Remodel & Makeover
Sometimes it can be confusing when you hear someone mention a home makeover. You instantly think that they are referring to a remodel. Unfortunately the industry is still using remodel and makeover interchangeably, when in reality, makeovers breathe fresh life into your project at a much lower cost. Remodels create a completely new home at a greater cost than makeovers, but far cheaper than building a new home for a similarly desired effect.

Remodel & Makeover Services
If you aren’t sure what your project is you won’t know how to budget for it. We know exactly what your project is, so feel free to ask us for help in identifying if it is a remodel or makeover. We are here to help.
Making The Right Decision
Our remodeling and makeover services are quite comprehensive, covering every facet of construction from start to finish. We don’t stop at small jobs, we do everything from small dry-rot repairs to full home renovations. In addition to being capable of handling any size job we also include you in every phase of the project to ensure a finished project you can be proud of. We won’t burden you with the daily job site functions, that’s our job. Your job is to relax and enjoy your new home.
If this service isn’t exactly what you were looking for, check out our other services. We are always looking for additional ways we can help you.
DIY Consultation
Trying to avoid paying someone else to do your home improvement project but need help figuring out the technical aspect? Our DIY Consultation services is easy to use. We send out our experienced contractor to your home to provide you with all the skills that you need to do it yourself.
We stand by our word when we say Quality Guaranteed. You will love it when we finish. Synergy Builders never walks away from an unfinished project. We are here to give you an All-One-Service. You should never wonder if the quality is good enough, instead you should be thinking what more you can have us do for your home.